Saturday, December 30, 2006

"Creating Your Own Online Business" Home Study Course Launches

Every time I conduct a teleseminar or write about infopreneuring in my biweekly newsletter, The ART of Business, I get a stampede of questions, like: "How exactly can I get started doing teleseminars myself," and "How can I get more traffic to my website," and "What cheap program is there that converts Word documents to PDF?" So I've created an affordable, step-by-step home study course that answers all these questions and much more.

The Creating Your Own Online Business program actually walks you through the entire business-building process from start to finish. The workbook that comes with the course is called "The Infopreneur's Business Guidebook" and it's jam-packed with lessons, worksheets, and step-by-step processes to help you get started, and start making money, as an information marketer.

And the best part about this program is that it's affordable. So many "gurus" out there charge thousands of dollars for this information, but since the Women's Business Gallery is all about helping baby boomer women, solo entrepreneurs, and small business owners succeed, I want to make this business-building system available to as many people as possible. You see, it's not about me getting rich, it's about you building a legitimate, low-cost business that will let you live the life you choose. Check it out now at: Home Study Course. You'll be glad you did.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Baby Boomer Woman Caught Having Fun on Video!

Just for laughs I thought I'd share with my baby boomer friends my first foray in video. As a Web-based entrepreneur, I've decided to take advantage of all the terrific technologies available to online entrepreneurs, and if you haven't yet gotten online with your own website, I highly recommend you do. Making money and having fun is possible with your own website. Life's too short not to. Check this out:

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Free Teleseminar for Boomer Women "How To Build Retirement Income With Your Own Website"

Your host, Angel Brown (that's me!) invites you to attend a free teleseminar on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 2pm Eastern time (1pm CST, noon MST, 11am PST) on the topic "How To Build Retirement Income With Your Own Website." If you can't attend, please register anyway because I'll be recording the event and anyone who's registered will receive the audio file and PDF handout, "19 Ways to Build Retirement Income With Your Own Website" after the event's over. For details and registration info, visit: Free Teleseminar.